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Vegan Gluten Free

Rebel Foods came from over 20 years of experience owning and operating multiple cafés and food businesses in the lower mainland. Responding to the mediocre quality and overall low value offered in the current market, our founders identified the opportunity and decided to Rebel against bad food products.


We supply the finest vegan and gluten free cookies, oat bars, superfood bars, brownies and blondies for your business needs. We source the finest ingredients so you know exactly what you're buying and what your informed customers are looking for. 

At Rebel Food Company we offer: ​

  • Excellence in Account Management 

  • Extensive & Diverse Supplier Network

  • Carefully Selected Quality Products with Great Value




We value our network every step of the way. Working closely with your business helps us better our service to you, ensuring you get the best price for your needs.


Because we source directly ourselves, we can be sure of the quality and origin, which leads to better prices for your business and customers. 

We’re building long-term relationships and sharing knowledge that supports sustainable farming, supply, importing and business practices.

Oatmeal Cookies
Open Field


Why Vegan
Gluten Free Matters 

In a rapidly changing society, with an awareness of unethical and frankly unhealthy food practices, the discerning customer is looking for the products that represent the life that they lead and the beliefs that they hold. 

The modern consumer has seen the advancement and rapid growth of products that are in alignment with their values, but often the claims aren't supported in the production practices. 

Additionally, doing the right thing often comes at a premium, which is unjustified if you pull back the curtain.


Evaluating the industry, we saw the opportunity to do things right; making great tasting, quality products and also providing a viable, profitable business model for cafes, restaurants, grocers, health food stores and fitness studios.

By lowering our margins and looking at the whole industry (larger market share) we seized an opportunity in which everybody wins.




Who We Are

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© 2022 Rebel Food Company

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